2 months ago
Walk Time (Minutes) to Burn Calories for Products
Overview: Console users can now add the estimated walking time needed to burn the calories in a product.
- New field:
- Where to Find: Console > Menu > Product
- Details
- Label (EN): Walk Time (Minutes)
- Label (AR): وقت المشي (دقائق)
- Type: number
- Editing Products:
- Edit Product Page: Users can enter the walk time in minutes, with guidance provided by a tooltip:
- EN: Walk time to burn calories in minutes = (calories in item in kCal/ (effort factor (3.3) * average weight (70 kg))) * 60
- وقت المشي لحرق السعرات بالدقائق = ((السعرات الحرارية بالكيلو كالوري)/ ((معامل الجهد 3.3 * متوسط الوزن 70 كيلو))) * 60
- Default: The field is initially empty.
- Edit Product Page: Users can enter the walk time in minutes, with guidance provided by a tooltip: