New Tipping Workflow in Cashier and Customer Display Screen (CDS)
We are excited to introduce the new enhanced Tips feature in the Cashier and Customer Display Screen (CDS) applications. This exciting upgrade streamlines the payment experience for both cashiers and customers.
Part 1: Cashier
Cashiers can now initiate payments with tips when tips are enabled in the business settings. This empowers customers to personalize their tipping preferences effortlessly.
Customers can easily select a tip on the CDS, and the tip amount is immediately sent back to the cashier, updating the payment amount. If tips are disabled, cashiers will proceed to add payments without waiting for CDS to enter tips.
Enabling the setting from the Console: In Console > Manage > Settings > Cashier Settings
Part 2: CDS
The Customer Display Screen (CDS) introduces a new and improved tipping experience for customers. You can now add tips to your order directly through the CDS app, providing the flexibility to adjust the total amount according to your preferences.
It's as simple as tapping on one of the tip percentages, and the chosen tip is instantly added to the total order price. Even if you make changes to your order, the selected tip percentage is reset, giving you the option to reapply the tip to the updated order total.
The chosen tip amount is displayed and added to the total payment amount, ensuring a convenient and flexible payment experience.
This screenshot below is from the CDS Application while the Cashier is waiting for the customer to enter tips:
Once the user taps on any of the tips buttons or enters a custom amount, the Cashier will process the payment accordingly.
Make sure to update your Cashier and Customer Display Apps to the latest version from the App Stores.