New Authorities for Cashier Users
We have added 3 new authorities to help you enhance and control your Cashier users operations. The authorities are:
a. Authority to Act as Waiter: Users who have this authority will be redirected to the tables page directly after accessing the register from the login screen. It is useful for waiters to be able to start an order by selecting the table first to open the order, then adding products to the order.
b. Authority to Edit Tables Layout: This allows the Cashier user to edit the Tables layout in the Cashier App. If a user does not have this authority and taps on the "Edit" button in the Tables layout, an authentication prompt will be shown to enter the password of an authorized user.
c. Authority to Close Till/Shift With Active Orders: To prevent users from accidentally or intentionally closing a till to leave their shift with active orders, an error message will be shown "No authority to close till with active orders" and the user must close or void the orders to close till.
This feature requires Foodics Cashier 5.0.28 (250) or newer versions.