2 months ago
Add Nutritional Values to Products and Modifier Options
We are excited to introduce a new feature that allows console users to add nutritional values to products. This enhancement supports improved product transparency and enables the display of nutritional information on marketplace apps and online platforms. The Current Release for Nutritional values will be for Marketplace apps and online apps and won’t be visible on Cashier/CDS.
Nutritional Config:
- Serving Size : Indicates the serving size of food for which nutritional information is provided.
- Serving Unit (g,ml,portion) : Indicates the serving unit of food for which nutritional information is provided.
Example: Nutritional values (Per 100g)
Amounts per serving:
- Users can input values for the following attributes (optional numeric fields):
- Calories (kCal) - السعرات الحرارية (كيلو كالوري)
- Protein (g) - البروتين (غرام)
- Total Fat (g) - الدهون الكلية (غرام)
- Saturated Fat (g) - الدهون المشبعة (غرام)
- Trans Fat (g) - الدهون المتحولة (غرام)
- Cholesterol (mg) - الكوليسترول (ملغرام)
- Carbohydrate (g) - الكربوهيدرات (غرام)
- Fiber (g) - الألياف (غرام)
- Total Sugars (g) - مجموع السكريات (غرام)
- Added Sugars (g) - السكر المضاف (غرام)
- Salt (g) - الملح (غرام)
- Sodium (mg) - الصوديوم (ملغرام)
- Users can input values for the following attributes (optional numeric fields):
Adding Nutritional values per product/modifier option:
- "Edit Nutritional Values" (تعديل القيم الغذائية) button allows users to edit all nutritional values for a product/modifier option at once.